Taking Action to Protect Land and Agriculture

For the last two decades, most of the fertile land in Zimbabwe has been subject to land redistribution, male migration and mineral discoveries that have created a rush of speculators with little to no regulation, all of which has put vast pressures on the environment and agricultural production. Women, however, are increasingly coming together to take on leadership roles, and to chart a direction for sustainable agriculture, more protections for the environment and more rational, well thought-out inclusive land rights policies.

The work of Women and Land in Zimbabwe in partnership with the Rural Women´s Assembly is a case in point. With funding from Global Greengrants Fund, through the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) the women of Shurugwi are proving how critical the role of women working in solidarity is to ensuring food security and environmental health across the country. To read more about this case, click here.

Published: April 2019

Organization(s): Women and Land Zimbabwe and Global Greengrants Fund

Region: Africa