This resource shares the experiences of women and their organizations participating in the first phase of the project Mujeres diversas – Sembrado agua, cosechando vida (Diverse Women – Sowing Water, Harvesting Life), supported by GAGGA (through Both ENDS) and executed by the Centro de Capacitación e Investigación de la Mujer Campesinas de Tarija (CCIMCAT).
In a context where climate change has differentiated impacts on women and men, mainly the lack of water as a fundamental human right, we are challenged to look for alternative technological, social systems, to reduce the effects that are being felt by populations in rural areas, mainly women farmers and indigenous women from the Chaco-Tarija region.
With this resource, CCIMCAT aims to share the reflections, proposals and experiences generated to contribute to the democratization of water access and management from a gender and environmental justice perspective, through individual and collective capacity strengthening actions, political advocacy and the development of rainwater harvesting systems (SCALL).
To access this resource, click here (available only in Spanish).
Published: December 2018
Organization(s): Centro de Capacitación e Investigación de la Mujer Campesinas de Tarija (CCIMCAT)
Region: Latin America
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