The "We Women Are Water" campaign, launched in 2017, is a flagship campaign of GAGGA. The campaign looks at water as a metaphor for an element that flows through different thematic areas, acting as a connector and highlighting the interconnectedness of our struggles, solutions, and collective power. The campaign highlights gender just climate solutions and actions led by women, girls, non-binary, intersex, and trans people from the GAGGA network; from advancing just and sustainable energy practices at the community level, to sustainable, regenerative, and circular production systems such as agroecology, to holding international institutions, corporations, governments and investors involved in any harmful projects or policies to account. It calls for divestment of climate finance from false solutions and dangerous distractions and toward these gender just climate solutions that already exist and have evidenced to be crucial in mitigating climate change impact. Explore our campaigns to see how GAGGA partners innovate and collaborate to challenge systemic injustices. Discover our previous campaign materials and witness the transformative power of collective action.
Organization(s) Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres, Fondo de Mujeres del Sur, Fondo Apthapi Jopuety, Fondo Acción Urgente América Latina, FRIDA, Fundación Tierra Viva, Fundo Socioambiental CASA, Mama Cash, Both ENDS, AIDA, RIFA, Utz Che’, Madre Selve, Fundación Plurales, CCIMCAT and Colectivo CASA. Region Latin America During the month of March, organizations in Latin America, part ofContinue reading “Video: GAGGA 2019 ‘We, Women are Water’ Campaign”
This resource shares the experiences of women and their organizations participating in the first phase of the project Mujeres diversas – Sembrado agua, cosechando vida (Diverse Women – Sowing Water, Harvesting Life), supported by GAGGA (through Both ENDS) and executed by the Centro de Capacitación e Investigación de la Mujer Campesinas de Tarija (CCIMCAT). In a contextContinue reading “Mujeres Diversas – Sembrando Agua, Cosechando Vida”
Organization(s) Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres, Fondo de Mujeres del Sur, Fondo Apthapi Jopuety, Fondo Acción Urgente América Latina, FRIDA, Fundación Tierra Viva, Fundo Socioambiental CASA, Mama Cash, Both ENDS, AIDA, RIFA, Utz Che’, Madre Selve, Fundación Plurales, CCIMCAT and Colectivo CASA. Region : Latin America During the month of March, organizations inContinue reading “Video: GAGGA 2019 ‘We, Women are Water’ Campaign”
During the month of March, organizations in Latin America, part of the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) joined forces once again to launch the campaign “Las Mujeres Somos Agua” (We, Women, are Water), which aimed to highlight the role of women in the region have when defending their water, the specific impactsContinue reading “GAGGA 2019 ‘We, Women are Water’ Campaign – Postcards”
This document is a position paper from the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) in South America on women and the human right to water. Women’s access to water is the central focus for the Southern Cone region of South America. This position paper focuses on collecting the voices from the movementsContinue reading “We, Women, are Water – Joint Position Paper from the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) (South America)”