Relevant updates for GAGGA network on UNFCCC – COP 26

With the upcoming UNFCCC COP26, planned to take place between October 31 to November 12, 2021, GAGGA aims to provide relevant updates, news and training opportunities to partners and allies through this page. We will also be sharing information on what GAGGA is planning to take forward in and around COP26.

We will aim to keep this page updated on a weekly basis. If your organisation and/or your networks have information you wish to share through this page, please contact Maite Smet ( or Rani Robelus (


Youth4Pacific Pre-COP Gathering

  • On September 23 and 24, the ‘Youth4Pacific: Pre-COP Gathering’ will bring together young Pasifika people worldwide to collaborate and unify youth advocacy and engagement in climate policy in the lead-up to COP26 in November.
  • For more information and to register, please click here.

Global Women’s Assembly for Climate Justice

  • Hosted by: WECAN (Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network), the Global Women’s Assembly for Climate Justice is a free, 6-day, gender-diverse public forum including 20 panels, climate justice leaders, keynotes, and the arts.
  • It will take place virtually, between September 25-30, 2021 from 1:00pm – 5:30pm ET, East Coast USA Time in parallel to the UN General Assembly to push a climate justice agenda in the lead-up to COP 26 and beyond.
  • Zoom interpretation in 4 languages. Live-streamed globally.
  • To register, please click here.

COP26 Coalition: Get Active for Climate Justice at COP26

  • Want to get involved in the climate justice movement around COP26? Join the COP26 Coalition on Sunday September 26 to find out the different ways you can get stuck in!
  • For more information, please click here.

#ActOnTheGAP: Virtual Workshop Series – Update on Gender @COP26

  • Following the workshops held between July and September on the implementation of the Gender Action Plan, Gender Analysis and Gender Budgeting, the UNFCCC is adding this additional workshop to provide an update on Gender at COP26. Participants will hear about progress on implementation of the gender action plan with a focus on the gender composition report and synthesis report on progress in integrating a gender perspective into constituted body processes as well as other issues, which are going to be considered at COP26. An update will be provided on planned events and ways to participate at COP26 and Parties and other stakeholders will have an opportunity to discuss and share views.
  • The event will include simultaneous interpretation into Spanish and French and participants will have the option of joining Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish discussion groups.
  • To register, please click here.

Women and Gender Constituency advocacy training during the lead-up to COP26

  • Who should register for the WGC advocacy training? Everyone interested in learning about the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), this year’s COP, the Women and Gender Constituency, and who would like to build their capacities around feminist advocacy. We will dive into the basics of the UNFCCC, reflect on different advocacy strategies around the climate conferences, provide insights into this year’s COP26 agenda, as well as offer space for discussion on feminist climate action and movement-building.
  • 31 October – 12 November 2021.
  • To register, please click here. Deadline for registration: September 19, 2021.

Global Day of Action for Climate Justice

  • On 6th November, movements across the world are coming together to take action – from indigenous struggles to trade unions, from racial justice groups to youth strikers. The Covid pandemic means that not everyone can travel to Glasgow. That is why on the 6th November, we’re calling for decentralised actions worldwide. Wherever you are in the world, you can help bring climate justice to COP26.
  • For more information, please click here.

People’s Summit for Climate Justice

  • From the 7-10th November 2021, as world leaders meet to discuss our future, the COP26 Coalition will host The People’s Summit for Climate Justice.  The People’s Summit is a global convergence space for movements, campaigns and civil society and will provide an alternative to the business as usual of false solutions and inaction from rich nations and corporations.
  • For more information, please click here.

UNFCCC Gender – Virtual Gender Market Place

  • The UNFCCC Gender Team is planning a number of events for Gender Day during COP 26, including a Virtual Gender Market Place from 15:00-18:00 (UK time) on 9 November 2021. Following the virtual launch event, participants will have the opportunity to create an avatar and explore the virtual conference and networking space. This is a great opportunity to connect with those who work on gender and climate change through the combined web-based video calling and 2-D virtual world and will bring together organizations active at the international, national, sub-national, regional or community level. Information on registration will be shared shortly.
  • Are you interested in showcasing your work at the Virtual Gender Market Place?  Please indicate your interest by COB 10 October by filling out this form. For more information click here.

 Hands Off our Rights, Hands Off our Planet 24 Hour Video Marathon

  • The Collective for Climate Rights is hosting a 24-hour video marathon at the end of the first week of the climate negotiations in Glasgow (COP 26) for decision makers, journalists and others to hear from people and communities across the Globe about how the climate crisis has impacted their rights and lives, and what they expect from world leaders at COP26.
  • They are inviting people from across the globe to submit a 1-minute video to the Gathering Voices platform, to share how their rights have been impacted by the climate crisis and expressing what they expect leaders to do to protect their human rights from the climate crisis as they gather at COP26.
  • For more information on how to contribute to this video marathon, please click here.

Women and Gender Constituency – List of Side Events at COP26

  • WGC is compiling a list of side events where a WGC member is organizing or speaking AND any gender or feminist events. The list will include events from the blue zone, green zone, the peoples’ summit, and beyond.
  • To access the list, please click here.


Calls for postponement from different civil society networks:



“There’s no climate justice without gender justice” Blog Series

  • COP26 provides an important momentum to bring forward a cross-movement, intersectional narrative around climate justice and highlight the demands from the diverse groups involved in the climate justice movement. From GAGGA we will be developing a blog series in the lead up, during and post COP26 to share the demands for climate justice from the diverse perspectives and experiences of GAGGA partners and allies.

If you are interested in collaborating in this blog series, please contact Rani Robelus at

GAGGA statement for gender-just climate finance:

  • COP26 provides a significant opportunity to bring forwards GAGGA’s demands towards policy makers, investors/funds and donors on gender-just climate finance. These include:
    • Directly supporting women-led climate action and gender-just climate solutions, particularly at community level.
    • Local actors, notably community-based women-led groups, have an active and meaningful say in the planning, allocation and monitoring of climate finance
    • Climate finance will never violate women’s rights or lead to ecosystem destruction (avoiding false solutions).

We will be developing a concrete statement and invite partners and allies to join in its development. If you are interested, please contact Annelieke Douma at


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