Our network

GAGGA is made up of national, regional and global environmental justice and women’s funds as well as NGOs. You can learn more about them by selecting the region in the map below or through the filter.

They, in turn, provide small grants and capacity strengthening support to grassroots women’s rights and environmental justice organisations and networks in more than 30 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. To ensure the security of these organisations their information is not listed here, but we try to feature their work when we can and with their authorisation.

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MONES is the only fund in Mongolia that is fully dedicated to providing support to women’s NGOs and groups in the country. Our grants promote women’s human rights and aim at empowering women and increasing women’s participation in enhancement of the implementation of principles of justice, equality and transparency in local and national governance in order to advance women’s rights. Since its establishment, MONES has distributed nearly 1 million USD to 433 projects implemented by women’s organizations from all provinces and from capital city.

CASA Socio-Environmental Fund


CASA Socio-Environmental Fund


CASA Socio-Environmental Fund is a not-for-profit grantmaking institution engaged in mobilizing and channeling financial and capacity-building support to social and environmental initiatives of NGOs and community based groups in South America.

Global Greengrants Fund


Global Greengrants Fund


Since 1993, Global Greengrants Fund has been one of the leading organizations in the world supporting grassroots-led efforts to protect the planet and the rights of people. Based on the belief that the solutions to environmental harm and social injustice come from people whose lives are most impacted, every day, our global network of people on the frontlines and donors comes together to support communities to protect their ways of life and our planet.





Tewa is the only women’s fund in Nepal. We support women to organize, raise their voice collectively and transform discriminatory  policies, system norms and practices.

Fondo Acción Urgente América Latina y el Caribe


Fondo Acción Urgente América Latina y el Caribe


The Urgent Action Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean FAU-AL is a regional feminist fund that contributes to the sustainability and strengthening of activists and their movements, with agile and strategic support in situations of risk and opportunity. It supports the resistance, struggles and demands of human rights defenders and of the land for the transformation of systems of injustice and inequality, putting protection and care at the center. FAU-AL makes visible the actions of territorial defenders and the environment, documents the attacks against them, and promotes their advocacy actions and protection and care strategies.





WoMin, an alliance of organisations that span the African continent, works alongside national and regional movements and popular organisations of women, mining impacted communities and peasants, and their solidarity partners, to make visible the impacts of  extractivism on peasant and working class women.  Together with partners situated from the local to the international, WoMin works to counter the destructive impacts of extractivism such as land grabbing and displacement of communities, pollution and erosion, and violence against women, and, critically, to advance a women-centred and just development alternative.





OT Watch is an NGO with a vision and mission to protect the living environment of people, focusing on compliance with international environmental and human rights norms.

IndoWater CoP


IndoWater CoP


Indonesia Water Community of Practice (IndoWater CoP) is a consortium of 6 partners which consist of Ecological Observation and Wetland Conservation (ECOTON), Yayasan Mitra Insani (YMI), KPC – Bogor, Forkadas C+, PPLH Bali, and JPIC Middle Borneo. IndoWater CoP’s goal is building multi-stakeholder partnership to improve performance in integrated river basin management at all levels. Our main focus in lobbying and advocacy is water pollution, in particular endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) contamination.





Prospera’s members are committed to expanding the resources available to women’s, girls’ and trans* people rights around the world. They provide grants and other resources to support and strengthen women’s organizations that primarily advance and defend the rights and wellbeing of women, girls and trans* communities in the Global South. At present our network brings together 37 women’s funds giving grants in over 170 countries.





Utz Che’ es una red de organizaciones comunitarias, indígenas y multiculturales, que administran bosques, fuentes de agua y tierras comunales en diversos territorios de Guatemala, en América Central. En la Asamblea General de Utz Che’ se agrupan, unen sus voces, propuestas y demandas a la sociedad y al estado Guatemalteco, comunidades de los pueblos Mam, Poqomam, Pocomchí, Popti’, Achí, K’iche’, K’aqchiquel, Q’eqchi’, Ch’orti’ , Q’anjob’al, Xinka y Mestizo. La red fortalece las comunidades en sus luchas por la defensa y ejercicio de derechos humanos y derechos colectivos sobre la tierra y el manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales. A su vez, se promueven iniciativas de desarrollo local, basadas en la recuperación de la diversidad agrícola y la práctica de la agroecología campesina, así como emprendimientos de manejo forestal sostenible, turismo comunitario, manufactura artesanal y transformación de productos agroforestales. En última instancia, la Red Utz Che’ busca que se fortalezcan las formas propias de organización social, libre determinación y control sobre los territorios y recursos naturales, de la población rural indígena y multicultural de Guatemala y la región mesoamericana. Esa fortaleza que las organizaciones logren sus objetivos de proteger los bosques, el agua y la tierra para uso comunitario, deteniendo la deforestación y la degradación ambiental, pero también que las organizaciones sean más democráticas, transparentes e incluyentes, priorizando la equidad de género y la participación de la juventud.

Fondo de Mujeres Indígenas AYNI de FIMI


Fondo de Mujeres Indígenas AYNI de FIMI


El Fondo de Mujeres Indígenas AYNI de FIMI, es el primer y único fondo internacional guiado por y para las mujeres indígenas. Su propósito es invertir recursos (materiales, financieros y humanos) para lograr el cumplimiento de los derechos humanos individuales y colectivos de las mujeres indígenas. AYNI, es una palabra Quechua-Quichua que significa reciprocidad, solidaridad.





The Tierra Viva Fund supports community initiatives that promote changes in the care of the natural heritage and contribute to transforming the global socio-environmental situation. This support is provided by channeling resources through small donations directly to community-based organizations in the Central American region.







Keystone Foundation works towards eco-development, balancing ecology and economy. We work with indigenous people in mountain ecosystems of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India. Our principle areas of work are conservation, enterprise and livelihoods.





CENDEP is a grassroots organization created in 1999 with the goal of training local people in the domestication, sustainable production and marketing of Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) and agricultural products of economic importance as well as in the sustainable management of natural resources.





AIDA is an organization that uses the law to protect the environment and communities suffering from environmental harm throughout Latin America.





Lumière Synergie pour le Développement (LSD, Sénégal) est une Association à but non lucratif de droit sénégalais légalement constituée le 10 juillet 2008. Sa création a coïncidée avec un moment crucial dans le financement du développement international : La révision des Principes Directeurs de l’OCDE, de la politique d’information de la Banque Mondiale et de celle de la Banque Africaine de Développement. Son objectif global est de ”consacrer ses efforts à la mise en place d’une Société Civile forte et dynamique pour le Développement Politique, Economique et Social durable du Sénégal”. Sa vision repose sur la conviction que ”la Bonne Gouvernance et la Transparence dans la gestion des affaires, constituent des alternatives sures pour amener le Monde vers plus de Paix et de Justice”. Aujourd’hui LSD fait de la recherche sur des projets de développement qui nuisent aux droits de l’homme (y compris l’environnement) soutient de communautés affectées par les projets de développement et organise des ateliers de renforcement de capacités pour les organisations de la société civile en Afrique sur les politiques de transparence et de redevabilité des Institutions Financières Internationales.

Action pour la Promotion des Initiatives Locales (APIL)

Action pour la Promotion des Initiatives Locales (APIL)


Created in 1998 and recognized as a national NGO in Burkina Faso since 2004, Action pour la Promotion des Initiatives Locales (APIL)
invested in the rural Burkinabé world to defend the interests of women, young people and farmers in general for even more just societies. APIL has a long experience in the implementation of development projects and programs, mainly in the areas of (i) sustainable food security, (ii) territorial development and organizational strengthening, (iii) sustainable transformation of local economies and inclusive growth, (iv) humanitarian management and disaster risk reduction. Agroecology, inclusion of minorities, environmental justice, equality between women and men, women’s economic rights, climate change, land management are important vectors for the success of its mission. APIL’s actions reach 72,000 peasant families in the Central Plateau, Center and Center-Nord regions. The decision-making bodies that make up APIL are a General Assembly, a Board of Directors and a Technical Support Service headed by a General Coordinator and a team of 70 employees (54% of whom are women).



Fondo de Mujeres del Sur

Fondo de Mujeres del Sur


Fondo de Mujeres del Sur (FMS for its acronym in Spanish) is a fund that mobilises financial resources and provides support to organisations that promote women’s and LBTIQ+ people’s rights in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Since 2017, FMS is also coordinating a regional programme called Leading from the South, covering 21 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

At FMS, we finance and support grassroots initiatives, organisations and networks created and led by women and LBTIQ+ people, who work to achieve transformative results towards gender equality and justice. Our priorities work areas are leadership, voice-agency and political participation, economic justice, eradication of violence and discrimination, socio-environmental justice and diverse gender identities and sexualities

Our goal is to strengthen women, feminist and diversity movements, from a human rights-based approach, gender perspective, empowerment, intersectionality and interculturality.

Dhaatri Trust

Dhaatri Trust


Dhaatri Trust is a Resource Centre for Women and Children’s rights in India. It is a small platform to support the everyday struggles of rural and indigenous women. Dhaatri Trust works primarily with adivasi/indigenous women who live in rural and forest areas where their way of life, livelihoods, socio-cultural relationships, health and well-being are closely linked to their habitat and natural resources. These resources and women’s rights to them are being brutally disturbed by the pursuit of development economics where state policies are pushing for privatisation of forests for corporate investments. Impacts of such privatisation are increasingly experienced by women through militarisation, state and corporate violence and loss of food security and livelihoods.

Dhaatri works through a network of WHRDs in India, mainly from indigenous communities to represent the demands and voices of women on the ground who are fighting across mining, infrastructure, tourism, energy, conservation and climate change projects. Our work involves capacity building and strengthening women’s collective platforms of resistance, providing strong evidence-based research on gender impacts and linking grassroots women’s movements with policy and global network. Dhaatri works with groups in India and supports: a regional platform of women on extractives called Women in Action on Mining in Asia.

Fundación Socioambiental Semilla

Fundación Socioambiental Semilla


The mission of the Semilla Socio-environmental Foundation is to contribute to environmental conservation and sustainable production, strengthening the leadership and management capacities of civil society in Bolivia.

In relation to our work with GAGGA, the Semilla Foundation will help to defend and conserve critical ecosystems in Bolivia, as a measure of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, while helping to strengthen the leadership capacities of women in climate justice and environmental defense groups and movements.

FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund

FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund


Young women and girls around the world shouldn’t just be a cause to donate to or an issue to vote for; we should be the ones making the decisions on how our world should change.

Resourcing Young Feminists: When young women, girls, and trans and intersex youth come together, they can create lasting transformative change. FRIDA partners with young and emerging feminist led organizations to support help them make the most impact on their communities possible. The groups we support are dismantling patriarchy, addressing human and environmental rights violations, and overturning inequalities and co-creating new feminist realities.

FRIDA USES A PARTICIPATORY GRANTMAKING PROCESS THAT PUTS DECISION-MAKING IN THE HANDS OF YOUNG FEMINISTS THEMSELVES. THROUGH THIS MODEL, WE ARE CHANGING POWER AND RELATIONSHIPS IN PHILANTHROPY.  Our core grants are awarded as flexible funds and core support, which allows groups to define their own budgets and dedicate funds to where it is most needed.

THROUGH PROMOTING NEW MODELS OF PHILANTHROPY AND SHARING OUR KNOWLEDGE, WE WANT TO SEE AN INCREASE IN THE QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF RESOURCES AVAILABLE FOR YOUNG FEMINIST ORGANIZERS. Furthermore, we amplify the contributions of young feminist organizers through creative communications, provide advice to those who want to meaningfully engage with young women, girls, and trans*youth, and spark initiatives on how to be a resource ally to the young feminist movement.
FRIDA is a member of GAGGA since 2016. As part of the Alliance, FRIDA has been amplifying the experiencies and leadership of diverse feminist youth building towards ecological and climate justice futures.

Fondo de Mujeres Bolivia Apthapi Jopueti

Fondo de Mujeres Bolivia Apthapi Jopueti


From feminist ethics and economic justice, the Bolivia Apthapi Jopueti Women’s Fund mobilizes resources to finance feminist agendas and promote the political action of women’s organizations in the country. Being part of the GAGGA Alliance means joining efforts, expanding networks, gathering ideals to promote the exercise of the rights of women who are defending life in their territories and resisting the direct effects of climate change. In this framework, we have been supporting several and diverse women’s organizations and feminist collectives that work for climate and environmental justice, the defenders of territories and the environment, from an inclusive perspective in terms of gender.

Fundación Plurales

Fundación Plurales


Fundación Plurales is a non-profit feminist organization that promotes and accompanies territorial and community processes, promoting networks and actions that empower citizens in the full exercise of economic, social and cultural rights from environmental and gender justice. We have been working since 2001 promoting networks of marginalized rural, indigenous and urban women, bringing technologies and knowledge for social inclusion and facilitating spaces for dialogues with the mission of influencing socially and politically.

From the GAGGA network of organizations we have promoted the Feminist Training School for Climate Action. A space for training, exchange and political discussion between groups of women human rights and environmental defenders in Latin America that seeks to amplify the power of women’s voices.

International Analog Forestry Network


International Analog Forestry Network


Analog Forestry is a system of ecological restoration that focuses on increasing biodiversity by imitating natural forest systems in order to create economically productive and environmentally mature forests. The methodology is based on traditional forest gardens, which are human-created analogs of the natural forest that serves needs such as food, fiber, timber, medicine and water.

Vision: The restoration of the life support systems of the planet through improved economic opportunities for rural populations.

Mission: Promote the application and appreciation of the techniques of analog forestry as a critical component of a new rural development paradigm.

The International Analog Forestry Network (IAFN) was founded to become the center connecting dots between partner organisations, training centers, trainers, community practitioners and women who are implementing the methodology around the world.

What we do:

Capacity building: through our network of trainers, we cooperate with local farmers’ groups, women’s organizations, agricultural and forestry technicians, and political decision-makers. Our trainings are based on the theory and practice of analog forestry for sustainable community development.

Demonstration sites: these act as the seeds of restoration, as they give an example of analog forestry in a local context.

Certification: IAFN is the Standard holder for Forest Garden Products certification, which allows sustainable forest products to reach a value- added market. We also work with local organizations devoted to Participatory Guarantee Systems.

Knowledge management: the experiences of our network partners is a valuable resource, and one of the roles IAFN plays is to share these experiences, lessons learned, and research from around the world.

Women's Fund Asia

Women's Fund Asia


Women’s Fund Asia is a regional women’s fund, committed to supporting interventions led by women, girls, trans, and intersex people to enhance and strengthen access to their human rights. We envision a peaceful and egalitarian region in which women, girls, trans, and intersex people’s participation, leadership, and enjoyment of all their human rights is ensured and secure. Our mission is to nurture and lead feminist philanthropy in the region; to effectively mobilise resources to support individuals, groups and networks enabling their sustainability; and to strengthen partner capacities, leadership, advocacy, and networks in the field.




The NTFP-EP is a collaborative network of over 60 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) working with forest-based communities to strengthen their capacity in the sustainable management of natural resources in the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Cambodia.