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July 2023 Newsletter | Linking and Learning: Uniting for Feminist Climate Solutions

In a world where urgent environmental challenges demand our attention, the call for feminist solutions resonates more powerfully than ever…

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Image of a women potting a plant. The text on the image reads, "Annual Narrative Report - Women Leading Climate Action, January - December 2022"

2022 Annual Report

In 2022, the second year of the ‘Women Leading Climate Action’ programme, GAGGA has made significant progress and achieved remarkable…

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Picture of Suman Saurav with text on the image in white reading - "elcoming Suman Saurav, GAGGA's Communications Strategist"

Welcoming Suman Saurav As GAGGA’s Communications Strategist!

Suman Saurav is a Dalit queer feminist from India, working at the intersection of caste, gender, sexuality, environmental justice, storytelling,…

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UN Water Conference Side-Event Highlights

The GAGGA side event during the UN Water Conference on March 23rd was a resounding success. The session brought together…

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Let’s raise up solutions that strive to achieve gender and climate justice! We Women are Water

Around the world, women-led initiatives are demonstrating how to protect and restore one of our most vital resources: water.  These…

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Save the Date: Making finance for gender just water and climate solutions a reality!

The UN Water Conference is an important event that brings together stakeholders from around the world to discuss water and…

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Welcome Co-Coordinators GAGGA Alliance

Maureen Douabou, is starting to work for GAGGA as Linking and Learning Co-Coordinator. She is a multilingual passionate feminist who…

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In case you missed it: Highlights from our COP27 Side-Event

Indigenous and feminist voices called for climate finance to be accessible, inclusive and gender just at GAGGA’s COP 27 side…

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Call to Action for COP27

This year GAGGA has developed a Call to Action that provides concrete recommendations to policy makers and government officials from…

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