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“Our grandparents told them to provide good roads, (electrical) power and hospitals. But they didn’t meet any of these expectations. Here there is no power. Development… we don’t even know what development really is because we can’t feel it.” Pascaline*, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Throughout the three continents of Africa, Asia,and Latin America, thereContinue reading “GAGGA Newsletter #3: Women’s Resistance to Mining: Articulating, strengthening and building solidarity”
Between May and October 2018, GAGGA conducted a Mid Term Review process, led by Athari Consulting and Advisory Services. This process was highly participatory, with the aim of including the voices, concerns and ideas of all GAGGA actors involved: alliance members, strategic allies, women´s funds, environmental funds, NGOs, grassroots groups as well as external advisors.Continue reading “Interested in the results of the GAGGA Mid Term Review?”
2018 is an important year for the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA), as it marks the mid-term period of the five-year programme. As such, GAGGA is taking forward a mid term review (MTR) process to assess the progress made at the mid-point of GAGGA’s programme implementation and to identify the significant factorsContinue reading “2018 – GAGGA Mid Term Review”