CEE Bankwatch

Actor: NGO | Region: Asia

Bankwatch is the largest network of grassroots, environmental and human rights groups in central and eastern Europe. We monitor public finance institutions that are responsible for hundreds of billions of investments across the globe. The banks and funds we watch are often obscure but always important entities that function outside public scrutiny. Together with local communities and other NGOs we work to expose their influence and provide a counterbalance to their unchecked power.

“GAGGA has enabled us to share our knowledge of international public finance in support of grassroots struggles to assert environmental and women’s rights.”

Email: main@bankwatch.org www.bankwatch.org

Twitter: @ceebankwatch
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ceebankwatch
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cee-bankwatch-network/

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    CEE Bankwatch

    Acteur : ONG | Région : Asie :

    Bankwatch est le plus vaste réseau d’organisations locales, environnementales et de droits de l’homme en Europe centrale et orientale. Nous nous chargeons de la surveillance des institutions financières qui sont responsables de centaines de milliards d’investissements à travers le monde. Les banques et autres fonds qui relèvent de notre surveillance sont souvent des entités obscures, mais toujours d’importance et fonctionnant en marge du scrutin du public. De concert avec des communautés locales et autres ONG, nous nous efforçons de les mettre à nu et de servir de contrepoids à leur pouvoir sans contrôle.

    « La GAGGA nous donne la possibilité de partager nos connaissances en matière de finances publiques internationales en appui aux organisations de base, afin de mettre en avant les droits environnementaux et les droits des femmes. »

    Email : main@bankwatch.org www.bankwatch.org

    Twitter : @ceebankwatch
    https://www.linkedin.com/company/cee-bankwatch-network/ (more…)

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    We Are Hiring: Operations and Finance Officer!

    DEADLINE EXTENDED! Are you passionate about ensuring efficient financial management and operational excellence to support transformative work in climate, environmental,…

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    We Are Hiring: Donor Engagement Officer!

    DEADLINE EXTENDED! Are you passionate about cultivating relationships and securing funding to support transformative work in climate, environmental, and gender…

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    Anamika Dutt's picture with the text, "welcoming Anamika Dutt, GAGGA's PMEL Officer"

    Welcoming Anamika Dutt As GAGGA’s Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (PMEL) Officer!

    Anamika Dutt is a feminist MEL practitioner from India. Anamika believes that stories of change and impact are best heard…

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    Sign up and keep up to date with our network's collective fight for a gender and environmentally just world.

      CEE Bankwatch

      Actor: ONG | Región: Asia

      Bankwatch es la red más grande de movimientos de base, ambientalistas y de derechos humanos en Europa Central y del Este. Monitoreamos las instituciones financieras públicas que son responsables por cientos de millones de inversiones a nivel mundial. Los bancos y fondos que monitoreamos a menudo son entidades oscuras e importantes que funcionan fuera del escrutinio público. Junto con las comunidades locales y otras ONG trabajamos para exponer su influencia y proveer un contrapeso a su poder ilimitado.

      «GAGGA nos ha permitido compartir nuestros conocimientos sobre las finanzas públicas internacionales para apoyar a los movimientos de base en su lucha por hacer valer los derechos de las mujeres y los derechos ambientales.»

      Correo: main@bankwatch.org www.bankwatch.org

      Twitter: @ceebankwatch
      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ceebankwatch
      Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cee-bankwatch-network/

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      We Are Hiring: Operations and Finance Officer!

      DEADLINE EXTENDED! Are you passionate about ensuring efficient financial management and operational excellence to support transformative work in climate, environmental,…

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      We Are Hiring: Donor Engagement Officer!

      DEADLINE EXTENDED! Are you passionate about cultivating relationships and securing funding to support transformative work in climate, environmental, and gender…

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      Anamika Dutt's picture with the text, "welcoming Anamika Dutt, GAGGA's PMEL Officer"

      Welcoming Anamika Dutt As GAGGA’s Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (PMEL) Officer!

      Anamika Dutt is a feminist MEL practitioner from India. Anamika believes that stories of change and impact are best heard…

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      Sign up and keep up to date with our network's collective fight for a gender and environmentally just world.