Indonesia Water Community of Practice (IndoWater CoP)

Actor: NGO | Region: Asia

Indonesia Water Community of Practice (IndoWater CoP) is a consortium of 6 partners, which consist of Ecological Observation and Wetland Conservation (ECOTON), Yayasan Mitra Insani (YMI), KPC – Bogor, Forkadas C+, PPLH Bali, and JPIC Middle Borneo. IndoWater CoP’s aims to build multi-stakeholder partnerships to improve performance of integrated river basin management at all levels. Their main focus in lobbying and advocacy is water pollution, in particular endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) contamination.

“GAGGA is an important alliance to strengthen our lobby and advocacy on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) contamination and it’s impact to wildlife and human health in Indonesia and at the international level, through the distribution of information and expertise.”



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    Indonesia Water Community of Practice (IndoWater CoP)

    Acteur: ONG | Région: Asie

    Indonesia Water Community of Practice (IndoWater CoP) est un consortium de 6 organisations partenaires: Ecological Observation and Wetland Conservation (ECOTON), Yayasan Mitra Insani (YMI), KPC – Bogor, Forkadas C+, PPLH Bali et JPIC Middle Borneo. IndoWater CoP vise à construire des partenariats multipartites pour améliorer le suivi de la gestion intégrée des bassins hydrographiques à tous les niveaux. Leur principal domaine du plaidoyer est la contamination de l’eau, particulièrement la contamination causée par les produits chimiques qui perturbent le système endocrinien (EDCs).

    “GAGGA est une alliance importante pour renforcer notre plaidoyer sur la contamination causée par les produits chimiques qui perturbent le système endocrinien (EDCs) et leur impact sur la santé humaine et la faune d’Indonésie et au niveau international, à travers de la distribution de l’information et notre expertise.”

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    Anamika Dutt's picture with the text, "welcoming Anamika Dutt, GAGGA's PMEL Officer"

    Welcoming Anamika Dutt As GAGGA’s Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (PMEL) Officer!

    Anamika Dutt is a feminist MEL practitioner from India. Anamika believes that stories of change and impact are best heard…

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      Indonesia Water Community of Practice (IndoWater CoP)

      Actor: ONG | Región: Asia

      Indonesia Water Community of Practice (IndoWater CoP) es un consorcio de 6 organizaciones socias: Ecological Observation and Wetland Conservation (ECOTON), Yayasan Mitra Insani (YMI), KPC – Bogor, Forkadas C+, PPLH Bali y JPIC Middle Borneo. IndoWater CoP tiene como objetivo construir alianzas con múltiples interesados para mejorar el rendimiento de la gestión integrada por cuenca en diferentes niveles. Su enfoque principal en su incidencia es la contaminación del agua, particularmente la contaminación causada por sustancias alteradoras endocrinas (SAE).

      “GAGGA es una alianza importante para fortalecer nuestra incidencia sobre la contaminación de sustancias alteradoras endocrinas (SAE) y su impacto en la salud humana y la fauna de Indonesia y a nivel internacional, a través de la distribución de información y nuestros conocimientos.”

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      Anamika Dutt's picture with the text, "welcoming Anamika Dutt, GAGGA's PMEL Officer"

      Welcoming Anamika Dutt As GAGGA’s Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (PMEL) Officer!

      Anamika Dutt is a feminist MEL practitioner from India. Anamika believes that stories of change and impact are best heard…

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