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Bringing Local Realities to Board Level: GAGGA and Both ENDS Partners at the GCF B38 in Rwanda

Last week Both ENDS participated in the 38th Board Meeting of the Green Climate Fund in Kigali, Rwanda, together with…

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We Women Are Water – Call To Action To Support And Finance Gender Just Climate Action

Gender just climate action and solutions are in urgent need of your support Women, girls, trans, intersex, and non-binary people…

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#WeWomenAreWater: GAGGA’s Call To Action At CSW68

Gender just climate action and solutions are in urgent need of your support Women, girls, trans, intersex, and non-binary people…

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How The Quilombola Community Is Reminding Us That A Fight Against Environmental Racism Is A Fight For Climate Justice

Long Story Short Since 2007, the Tatuoca River, vital to the Quilombola community of Ilha de Mercês in Ipojuca, northeast…

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Gardens of Resilience: How Gond Adivasi Women Are Cultivating Change Amid Crisis

Long Story Short: In India’s Panna Tiger Reserve, the Gond Adivasi community of Umravan village faces a dire situation. Displaced…

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Seeds of Change: How The Women Of The Mukonka Village Are Reviving Its Ecology – One Seed At A Time

Long Story Short: In Zambia’s Rufunsa district, the Mukonka village, rich in natural resources and biodiversity, faced severe environmental degradation…

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November 2023 Newsletter | GAGGAatCOP28: Advocating for the Voices on the Frontlines

As global leaders converge for UNFCCC COP28, GAGGA brings forth a tapestry of narratives from the very frontlines of climate…

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November 2023 Newsletter | GAGGA At COP28: Advocating for the Voices on the Frontlines

As global leaders convene for the much-anticipated COP28, there exists an undeniably urgent necessity: the incorporation of grassroots voices into…

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"Powerful Women" meeting discussing gender-just climate solutions, organized by the Casa Socio-Environmental Fund with the support of the GAGGA Alliance. Brasília, March 2023 | Credit: Denise Farias/Fundo Casa Socioambiental

Beyond Red Tape: Making Climate Finance Gender Just

As global discussions around climate finance intensify ahead of COP28, a pertinent call for “gender just climate finance” stands out.…

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