Unnayan Onneshan

Actor: NGO | Region: Asia

The Unnayan Onneshan is an independent multidisciplinary think-tank, which contributes towards searching for solutions to endemic poverty, injustice, gender inequality and environmental degradation at the local, national and global levels. The organisation advances critical scholarships, promotes inter-disciplinary dialogues and amplifies grassroots perspectives towards building constituencies for social transformation.
The Unnayan Onneshan is an independent multidisciplinary think-tank, which contributes towards search for solutions to endemic poverty, injustice, gender inequality and environmental degradation at the local, national and global levels. The organisation advances critical scholarships, promotes inter-disciplinary dialogues and amplifies grassroots perspectives towards building constituencies for social transformation.
The Unnayan Onneshan is an independent multidisciplinary think-tank, which contributes towards search for solutions to endemic poverty, injustice, gender inequality and environmental degradation at the local, national and global levels. The organisation advances critical scholarships, promotes inter-disciplinary dialogues and amplifies grassroots perspectives towards building constituencies for social transformation.

“GAGGA facilitates gender-focused action research and advocacy on the traditional forest resource users in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh, the largest mangrove forest in the world, with an emphasis on the implications of infrastructure development and other existing threats in this ecologically critical area.”

Email: info@unnayan.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Unnayan-Onneshan-131497600232338/?ref=br_rs

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    Unnayan Onneshan

    Acteur : ONG | Région : Asie :

    Le Unnayan Onneshan est un groupe de réflexion interdisciplinaire indépendant, dont les travaux sont orientés vers la recherche de solutions à la pauvreté endémique, l’injustice, l’inégalité des sexes et la dégradation environnementale sur le plan local, national et mondial. Cette organisation propose des bourses critiques, promeut le dialogue interdisciplinaire et élargit les horizons des organisations de base par le biais de la création de groupes organisés pour la transformation sociale.

    «  La GAGGA encourage la recherche et le plaidoyer axés sur le genre, dans le cadre des utilisateurs traditionnels des ressources forestières de Sundarbans, Bangladesh, la plus importante forêt de mangroves du monde, en se concentrant en particulier sur les répercussions des projets d’infrastructures et autres menaces qui pèsent sur cette zone d’importance écologique critique. »

    Email: info@unnayan.org

    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Unnayan-Onneshan-131497600232338/?ref=br_rs (more…)

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    Anamika Dutt's picture with the text, "welcoming Anamika Dutt, GAGGA's PMEL Officer"

    Welcoming Anamika Dutt As GAGGA’s Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (PMEL) Officer!

    Anamika Dutt is a feminist MEL practitioner from India. Anamika believes that stories of change and impact are best heard…

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      Unnayan Onneshan

      Actor: ONG | Región: Asia

      El Unnayan Onneshan es un grupo de expertos multidisciplinario e independiente, que contribuye a la búsqueda de soluciones a la pobreza endémica, la injusticia, la desigualdad de género y la degradación ambiental a nivel local, nacional y mundial. La organización impulsa becas críticas, diálogos interdisciplinarios y amplía las perspectivas comunitarias hacia la construcción de organismos para la transformación social.

      «GAGGA facilita la investigación para la acción con enfoque de género y la incidencia sobre usuarios tradicionales de recursos forestales en Sundarbans, Bangladesh, el mayor bosque de manglar del mundo, con énfasis en las implicaciones del desarrollo de infraestructura y otras amenazas existentes en esta área de importancia ecológica. »

      Email: info@unnayan.org

      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Unnayan-Onneshan-131497600232338/?ref=br_rs

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      We Are Hiring: Donor Engagement Officer!

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      Anamika Dutt's picture with the text, "welcoming Anamika Dutt, GAGGA's PMEL Officer"

      Welcoming Anamika Dutt As GAGGA’s Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (PMEL) Officer!

      Anamika Dutt is a feminist MEL practitioner from India. Anamika believes that stories of change and impact are best heard…

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