Actor: NGO | Region: Latin America

AIDA is an organization that uses the law to protect the environment and communities suffering from environmental harm throughout Latin America.

“Our work with GAGGA enables us to approach our work in defense of human rights and natural environments with a focus on women, who are one of the groups most affected by climate change and poorly planned development.”

AIDA website: 
Facebook English:

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    Acteur : ONG | Région : Amérique latine

    L’AIDA est une organisation qui fait valoir la loi pour protéger l’environnement et les communautés qui souffrent des dégâts environnementaux dans toute l’Amérique latine.

    « Travailler avec la GAGGA nous permet d’aborder la défense des droits de l’homme et de l’environnement depuis la perspective des femmes, l’un des groupes les plus durement frappés par le changement climatique et le développement mal planifié. »
    Site web: 
    Facebook English:
    Facebook Spanish:
    Twitter Spanish :


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    Report: Seeds for Harvest – Funding for Gender, Climate, and Environmental Justice

    The world has drastically changed in recent years, from the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing conflicts to the rise of authoritarianism…

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    Call for Consultancy: Evaluation of GAGGA 2.0 Programme

    The Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) is seeking a consultancy firm or a team of consultants to…

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    Anamika Dutt's picture with the text, "welcoming Anamika Dutt, GAGGA's PMEL Officer"

    Welcoming Anamika Dutt As GAGGA’s Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (PMEL) Officer!

    Anamika Dutt is a feminist MEL practitioner from India. Anamika believes that stories of change and impact are best heard…

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      Actor: ONG | Región: América Latina

      AIDA es una organización que se ampara en la ley para proteger el medioambiente y las comunidades que sufren daños ambientales en América Latina.

      «Nuestro trabajo con GAGGA nos permite abordar nuestra labor como defensores de derechos humanos y el medioambiente enfocado hacia las mujeres, que es una de las poblaciones más afectadas por el cambio climático y el mal manejo del desarrollo».

      Sitio web: 

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      Report: Seeds for Harvest – Funding for Gender, Climate, and Environmental Justice

      The world has drastically changed in recent years, from the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing conflicts to the rise of authoritarianism…

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      Call for Consultancy: Evaluation of GAGGA 2.0 Programme

      The Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) is seeking a consultancy firm or a team of consultants to…

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      Anamika Dutt's picture with the text, "welcoming Anamika Dutt, GAGGA's PMEL Officer"

      Welcoming Anamika Dutt As GAGGA’s Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (PMEL) Officer!

      Anamika Dutt is a feminist MEL practitioner from India. Anamika believes that stories of change and impact are best heard…

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      Sign up and keep up to date with our network's collective fight for a gender and environmentally just world.