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GAGGA voices on COVID-19: Human rights

Many women environmental defenders are experiencing a clampdown on rights under the cover of coronavirus measures.

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Report: The Preservation of Life

Community research on the situation of women defenders against extractive activities in Bolivia and Paraguay.

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Vice Versa: “A woman is not meant to stand in the spotlight”

PUBLISHED IN VICE VERSA | DECEMBER 12, 2019  By Siri Lijfering Although women suffer most from the pollution in the…

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“We, Women are Water” Statement on COVID-19

In the midst of so much uncertainty, we have been able to regain the value of connections, collective care and…

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Organizing collectively for resistance: conversations from diverse viewpoints

Written by Évora Barreiro, Women and Environmental Justice Program Consultant at FCAM “It wasn’t the place, it was the people.…

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We, Women are Water 2020: The young women defending Lake Titicaca

  Lake Titicaca in the Andean highlands is the largest freshwater basin in South America. It represents a source of…

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We Women are Water 2020: Mountain Woman in Cordillera Real

  The water supply for populations living near the glaciers of the Cordillera Real mountain range outside La Paz, Bolivia…

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We, Women are Water 2020: Rebels from Bañado Sur

In Bañado Sur on the outskirts of Asunción is the Cateura garbage dump, the largest in Paraguay. On a daily…

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