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The climate crisis is a global challenge that demands transformational change; structural shifts in the predominant economic system based on extraction and unlimited growth, towards a society that prioritizes the planet and all its people. To get there and achieve genuine transformation, we need to bring together the power of people and their movements. SinceContinue reading “Women leading climate action”
Young women across Africa, Asia and Latin America are playing a bold role in calling for urgent climate action from governments and corporations, and promoting locally-based approaches to climate issues. However, the part they play within global movements is still often invisible or unrecognized. Within our network, we’ve clearly seen how the challenges of climateContinue reading “In conversation with young feminists on climate justice”
In 2019, GAGGA continued to support and accompany women environmental defenders and the local, national and international movements fighting for women’s rights and environmental justice. GAGGA collaborated with 20 national regional and global women’s and environmental justice funds, 44 NGOs and 418 mostly women-led grassroots groups in over 30 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe (Georgia)Continue reading “2019 Annual Report”
“I think that this is a difficult situation for all of us; we are experiencing it from different contexts and situations and places, but it’s in these times that we give a new significance to the word ‘community’ and we claim our right to organize; to give each other a hug as sisters, and remindContinue reading “A message from our executive directors on COVID-19”
Different partners of the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) have been taking part in two important international advocacy spaces with the aim of bringing forward their voices, proposals and agendas in relation to women´s rights and environmental justice. This includes the 2019 United Nations (UN) Forum on Business and Human Rights, thatContinue reading “GAGGA at the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights and COP25”
Across the globe, women are intensely involved in the provision, management, restoration and safeguarding of water resources. Based on their vast knowledge and understanding of the critical importance of clean and sufficient water, as well as their collective commitment to their communities, women are leading struggles, proposing and implementing sustainable solutions, and making their voicesContinue reading “GAGGA Newsletter #4: The Confluence of Women and Water”
From the 10th to the 12th of December, 2018, GAGGA hosted the 2018 Global Meeting, bringing together 50 representatives of partner organizations from across the globe. This was a space to share and build on the Mid Term Review (MTR) findings (finalized in September 2019), partners’ cases and experiences in working on the nexus ofContinue reading “2018 GAGGA Global Meeting”
From the 7th to the 9th of March the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) participated in the first Women and Rivers Congress, organized by International Rivers in collaboration with the Nepal Water Conservation Foundation (as local host), and with support from Oxfam, Global Greengrants Fund, GAGGA, American Jewish World Service, MacArthur Foundation,Continue reading “GAGGA at the first Women and Rivers Congress”
“Our grandparents told them to provide good roads, (electrical) power and hospitals. But they didn’t meet any of these expectations. Here there is no power. Development… we don’t even know what development really is because we can’t feel it.” Pascaline*, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Throughout the three continents of Africa, Asia,and Latin America, thereContinue reading “GAGGA Newsletter #3: Women’s Resistance to Mining: Articulating, strengthening and building solidarity”