OT Watch

Actor: NGO | Region: Asia

OT Watch is an NGO with a vision and mission to protect the living environment of people, focusing on compliance with international environmental and human rights norms.

“GAGGA provides an opportunity for OT Watch to build horizontal partnerships of local environmental and women’s group in their fight for resource justice and holding extractive industry accountable.”

Website: http://www.minewatch.mn/


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    OT Watch

    Acteur : ONG | Région : Asie :

    OT Watch est une ONG dont la mission et la vision concernant la protection de l’environnement des personnes, à partir de la conformité aux normes internationales relatives à l’environnement et aux droits de l’homme.

    « La GAGGA offre une opportunité à OT Watch de nouer des relations de partenariat horizontal avec des groupes locaux de femmes et environnementaux, dans leur combat pour la justice et pour faire en sorte que l’industrie minière réponde de ses actes. »

    Page Internet : http://www.minewatch.mn/


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    Report: Seeds for Harvest – Funding for Gender, Climate, and Environmental Justice

    The world has drastically changed in recent years, from the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing conflicts to the rise of authoritarianism…

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    Call for Consultancy: Evaluation of GAGGA 2.0 Programme

    The Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) is seeking a consultancy firm or a team of consultants to…

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    Anamika Dutt's picture with the text, "welcoming Anamika Dutt, GAGGA's PMEL Officer"

    Welcoming Anamika Dutt As GAGGA’s Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (PMEL) Officer!

    Anamika Dutt is a feminist MEL practitioner from India. Anamika believes that stories of change and impact are best heard…

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      OT Watch

      Actor: ONG | Región: Asia

      OT Watch es un ONG con la visión y misión de proteger el entorno cotidiano de las personas, enfocándose en el cumplimiento de las normas internacionales de derechos humanos y ambientales.

      «GAGGA le facilita a OT Watch la oportunidad de construir alianzas horizontales entre grupos locales de mujeres y ambientalistas en su lucha por la justicia en el manejo de los recursos y la rendición de cuentas de la industria extractiva».

      Sitio web: http://www.minewatch.mn/


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      Report: Seeds for Harvest – Funding for Gender, Climate, and Environmental Justice

      The world has drastically changed in recent years, from the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing conflicts to the rise of authoritarianism…

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      Call for Consultancy: Evaluation of GAGGA 2.0 Programme

      The Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) is seeking a consultancy firm or a team of consultants to…

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      Anamika Dutt's picture with the text, "welcoming Anamika Dutt, GAGGA's PMEL Officer"

      Welcoming Anamika Dutt As GAGGA’s Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (PMEL) Officer!

      Anamika Dutt is a feminist MEL practitioner from India. Anamika believes that stories of change and impact are best heard…

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      Sign up and keep up to date with our network's collective fight for a gender and environmentally just world.