
Round Table on Women, Inclusiveness and the Environment
9-10 January 2020
The Manor, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Women, indigenous peoples and small scale farmers are critical change agents in designing, implementing, and scaling up solutions to address the severe impacts of environmental degradation and climate change. Given the urgency of the climate and environmental crises we are currently facing, it is imperative to support those actors who are leading this crucial work that will ensure long-term, sustainable change for people and the environment.

Many large, international financial streams and policies have difficulties reaching and supporting these local groups, collectives and organisations. These groups are not only underrepresented in – but also underfunded by international policies.


The upcoming international Round Table on Women, Inclusiveness and the Environment will be a space to have those conversations on the importance of gender and inclusion in environmental policies and grantmaking. Co-hosted by the Inclusive Green Growth Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands and the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA),  this will be a space for cross-sectoral, peer-to-peer exchange between international environmental policy-makers from public institutions and private foundations who are committed in incorporating gender equality and inclusiveness into their policies and practices.

For more information on the Round Table and the programme, please click here.


Location: The Manor Hotel, Linnaeusstraat 89, Amsterdam
Date: 9 and 10 January, 2020
Registration Form: To register for this event, please click here.

Recommended readings and resources:

Our Voices, Our Environment – The State of Funding for Women’s Environmental Action

Women’s Organizations and Climate Finance: Engaging in Processes and Accessing Resources

Local Actors Ready to Act: Six Proposal to Improve their Access to the Green Climate Fund

GAGGA 2019 “We, Women are Water” Campaign

GAGGA Newsletter #4: Women, water and life


For more resources, please click here.



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