Update: On the 13th of March the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) launched the “We, Women are Water” campaign. You can find all the 2020 campaign cases here:
Chimpu Warmi in Lake Poopó, Bolivia
The Feminist Collective in Suchitoto, El Salvador
OMMI provides safe water in the Paraguayan Chaco
Ixquisis women defend their rivers in Guatemala
Fighting the impacts of sugarcane monoculture in Honduras
Bogotá’s El Burro wetlands in the ¨land of water¨
We the Challapata women of Bolivia resist, defending our water
The Guapinol women challenging mining extractivism in Honduras
Network of Community Environmentalists in El Salvador
Women for the Rivers of Life in Bolivia
Rebels from Bañado Sur, Paraguay
Mountain Woman in Cordillera Real, Bolivia
The young women defending Lake Titicaca in Bolivia
On the 13th of March the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) will launch the “We, Women are Water” campaign to highlight the role of Latin American women in the fight for and the defense of a common good vital to life: water.
GAGGA is an alliance of women’s funds, socio-environmental funds, non-governmental organizations and grassroots groups that work together to connect and coordinate women’s rights with environmental justice in order to drive forward the work of women who defend land rights and common goods in the Latin American region.
For the fourth consecutive year the organizations that make up the GAGGA- Latin America Alliance are joining forces to promote this campaign, running between International Women’s Day (8th March) and World Water Day (22nd March).
Our purpose is to recognize the role and leadership of Latin American women in defending and protecting water, and to bring to light the impacts that women in particular suffer due to the exploitation and contamination of this common good.
From the 13th to the 27th of March, we will share representative cases from various countries in which women have become protagonists in the fight for the defense, conservation and management of water.
Through this joint action, we aim to influence the agendas of local, national and regional actors to prioritize the right to water while incorporating the demands and needs of women in a tangible way. This means including women’s proposals for guaranteeing sustainable water access, management and governance
Get involved, share and help us let the world see the realities of women environmental defenders in Latin America.
You can follow the campaign on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at the following hashtags:
#GAGGA #LasMujeresSomosAgua #WeWomenAreWater #NoDejarNadieAtrás #LeaveNobodyBehind #DefensorasAmbientales #EnvironmentalDefenders #AGENDA2030
For media inquiries around this campaign, please get in touch with the communications team: