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Female herders in Mongolia protect their oases from mining companies

Two decades ago, Ömnögovi was the least populated province in Mongolia. Now, after a mining boom that made Mongolia the…

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Rural young feminists defend Motagua River through artivism

The Motagua River, one of the largest in Central America, starts its 500-kilometer journey from Guatemala’s Western Highlands. Along the…

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Adivasi women in Rajasthan’s Zawar Mines reclaim their rights

Lakshmi Devi, a Bhil Adivasi woman from Kanpur village in Rajasthan, India, has not been able to harvest a single…

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“They are killing the river”: Q’eqchi’ women defend the sacred Cahabón

Two rivers cross in Guatemala’s municipality of Santa María Cahabón, the ancestral territory of the Q’eqchi’ peoples. To the Q’eqchi’…

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The women of Mazvihwa restore their land and water

Zimbabwe was once known as the bread basket of Southern Africa, but climate change, ineffective farming practices and economic crises…

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Women in Central Java demand end to mud pollution from geothermal exploration

In November 2016, communities living on the foot of a volcano in Central Java, Indonesia, were surprised to find that…

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The women defending life amid the flames in Bolivia’s Chiquitanía

In 2019, Bolivia experienced one of the largest forest fires in its history with 10 percent of its total forested…

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“Эмэгтэйчүүд Бид Бол Ус” нэртэй аяны

Олон улсын эмэгтэйчүүдийн эрхийг хамгаалах өдрийг тохиолдуулан Жендэр ба Ногоон үйл ажиллагааны Дэлхийн Эвсэлээс (ЖНҮАДЭ) уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлтийн хүрээнд усны…

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