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We, Women are Water 2020: Women for the Rivers of Life

Villa Montes, located in El Chaco, Bolivia, is an area known for oil and gas production, an industry that has…

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We, Women are Water 2020: Network of Community Environmentalists in El Salvador

Environmentalists in El Salvador (RACDES) fight for water across the entire country. The problem of access to drinking water previously…

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We, Women are Water 2020: The Guapinol women challenging mining extractivism

The region of Colón in Honduras hosts 11 percent of the country’s mining concessions. At the beginning of 2012, the…

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We, Women are Water 2020: We the Challapata women resist, defending our water

In the municipality of Challapata in the Avaroa Province of the Oruro region, Bolivia, is the Tacagua freshwater dam, which…

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We, Women are Water 2020: The El Burro wetlands in the ¨land of water¨

The city of Bogotá, with its 7.5 million inhabitants, has been built mainly on wetlands and ecological corridors. The El…

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We, Women are Water 2020: Fighting the impacts of sugarcane monoculture in Honduras

The southern wetlands of Honduras along coastal areas in the Gulf of Fonseca is the 1000th “Ramsar” site, meaning it…

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We, Women are Water 2020: Ixquisis women defend their rivers

The micro-region of Ixquisis, in the north of the region of Huehuetenango, Guatemala, has been inhabited by indigenous Mayan communities…

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We, Women are Water 2020: OMMI provides safe water in the Paraguayan Chaco

The Paraguayan Chaco (the western region of Paraguay) has a semi-arid climate which, aggravated by climate change, has long periods…

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We, Women are Water 2020: The Feminist Collective in Suchitoto

Suchitoto in El Salvador has made a landmark achievement: it is the municipality with the greatest water coverage as a…

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